Aiden McCullar

Hello everyone! My names Aiden McCullar and I’m a hardworking junior who’s going to work extra hard to bring the best of articles to the table! You can count on me to bring the hot takes and great opinion pieces everyone seems to love and enjoy!

People Love Desserts!

People love desserts. Some people enjoy sitting beside a campfire holding the stick that skewers the sweet gooey centerpiece to their campsite snack. Some people make it a hobby to whisk delicious ingredients into the chocolatey paste that’ll be baked into amazing, fudgy brownies. Others prefer the low effort approach, sitting on their couch with their family as the sound of movies flow from the tv, and the sound of cellophane from the casing holding their Oreos… But what if we were to say, ther

Portal 2, Valve Does it Again!

How do you make a sequel to a game that ended beautifully? A game that ended with little to no loose ends? A game that in its time was considered a masterpiece. Well, the Devs at Valve manage to pull it off nearly flawlessly, keeping the narrative of portal flowing seamlessly, while simultaneously perfecting and expanding the portal universe, capturing your attention within a vice grip with witty comedy and an amazing atmosphere

Not far off from the original game, Portal 2 is best known for the


Pizza, arguably the greatest dish of all time, was first recorded during the late 10th century within Central and Southern Italy. Ever since its creation, billions of people have had the joy of experiencing the cheesy, delicious, amazing meal explode in flavorful combinations that dance on your tastebuds. People have turned pizza into many different creations, from pizza rolls to calzones, everyone has their favorite. This delicious pizza-inspired dishes have led West High students to create a d